System: Slackware Linux (version 15.0)
CPUs: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3230M CPU @2.60GHz
GPU: Mesa DRI Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000
Deps: R-4.4.1.tar.xz, libgit2-1.8.1.tar.gz
Installation of the devtools package.
bash-5.1# installpkg libgit2-1.8.1-x86_64-1_SBo.tgz
The above library is a dependency for the gert package.
$ R -q
> install.packages("devtools", quiet = TRUE)
also installing the dependencies ‘Rcpp’, ‘utf8’, ‘askpass’, ‘credentials’, ‘sys’, ‘zip’, ‘gitcreds’, ‘ini’, ‘fastmap’, ‘httpuv’, ‘mime’, ‘xtable’, ‘sourcetools’, ‘later’, ‘promises’, ‘base64enc’, ‘jquerylib’, ‘sass’, ‘fansi’, ‘systemfonts’, ‘textshaping’, ‘tinytex’, ‘xfun’, ‘pillar’, ‘pkgconfig’, ‘highr’, ‘diffobj’, ‘rematch2’, ‘clipr’, ‘crayon’, ‘curl’, ‘gert’, ‘gh’, ‘glue’, ‘jsonlite’, ‘purrr’, ‘rappdirs’, ‘rprojroot’, ‘rstudioapi’, ‘whisker’, ‘yaml’, ‘R6’, ‘cachem’, ‘shiny’, ‘htmltools’, ‘callr’, ‘processx’, ‘bslib’, ‘digest’, ‘downlit’, ‘fontawesome’, ‘httr2’, ‘openssl’, ‘ragg’, ‘rmarkdown’, ‘tibble’, ‘xml2’, ‘htmlwidgets’, ‘stringr’, ‘vctrs’, ‘prettyunits’, ‘xopen’, ‘brew’, ‘commonmark’, ‘knitr’, ‘stringi’, ‘cpp11’, ‘brio’, ‘evaluate’, ‘magrittr’, ‘praise’, ‘ps’, ‘waldo’, ‘usethis’, ‘cli’, ‘desc’, ‘ellipsis’, ‘fs’, ‘lifecycle’, ‘memoise’, ‘miniUI’, ‘pkgbuild’, ‘pkgdown’, ‘pkgload’, ‘profvis’, ‘rcmdcheck’, ‘remotes’, ‘rlang’, ‘roxygen2’, ‘rversions’, ‘sessioninfo’, ‘testthat’, ‘urlchecker’, ‘withr’
Updating HTML index of packages in '.Library'
Making 'packages.html' ... done
> quit()
Save workspace image? [y/n/c]: n
The install provides devtools::build_readme() for updating a from a README.Rmd file.