

bash-5.1$ cat 9p.scm
#! /usr/bin/gosh

;; Description: 9p implementation in Scheme
;; Author: Neale Pickett

;; This uses gauche's networking stuff, but no other gauche stuff.  It
;; should be possible to substitute your implementation's networking
;; procedures without too much effort.
(require-extension (srfi 1 4 8 9))

(define message-specs
 ;; name     num  format
 '((TVersion 100 (2 4 s))  ;x64
   (RVersion 101 (2 4 s))
   (TAuth    102 (2 4 s s))
   (RAuth    103 (2 13))
   (TAttach  104 (2 4 4 s s))  ;x68
   (RAttach  105 (2 13))
   (TError   106 ())   ;illegal
   (RError   107 (2 s))
   (TFlush   108 (2 2))  ;x6c
   (RFlush   109 (2))
   (TWalk    110 (2 4 4 (2 . s)))
   (RWalk    111 (2 (2 . 13)))
   (TOpen    112 (2 4 1))  ;x70
   (ROpen    113 (2 13 4))
   (TCreate  114 (2 4 s 4 1))
   (RCreate  115 (2 13 4))
   (TRead    116 (2 4 8 4))  ;x74
   (RRead    117 (2 (4 . d)))
   (TWrite   118 (2 4 8 (4 . s)))
   (RRwrite  119 (2 4))
   (TClunk   120 (2 4))  ;x78
   (RClunk   121 (2))
   (TRemove  122 (2 4))
   (RRemove  123 (2))
   (TStat    124 (2 4))  ;x7c
   (RStat    125 (2 n))
   (TWStat   126 (2 4 n))
   (RWStat   127 (2))))  ;x7f

(define (spec-by-num num)
 (let loop ((specs message-specs))
    ((null? specs)
    ((equal? (cadar specs) num)
     (car specs))
     (loop (cdr specs))))))

;; Helper procedures

(define (u8-list->uint l)
 (let loop ((l (reverse l))
     (acc 0))
   (if (null? l)
(loop (cdr l)
      (+ (* 256 acc)
  (car l))))))

(define (uint->u8-list width i)
 (if (zero? width)
     (let ((b (modulo i 256))
    (r (floor (/ i 256))))
(cons b (uint->u8-list (- width 1) r)))))

;; XXX: s had better be printable 7-bit ASCII
(define (string->u8-list s)
 (map char->integer (string->list s)))

(define (u8-list->string l)
 (list->string (map integer->char l)))

;; Packing and unpacking, both deal with u8-lists

(define (pack fmt args)
 (let loop ((fmt fmt)
     (args args)
     (acc '()))
   ;;(write (list fmt args acc)) (newline)
    ((null? fmt)
    ((number? (car fmt))
     (loop (cdr fmt)
    (cdr args)
    (append acc (uint->u8-list (car fmt) (car args)))))
     ((equal? (car fmt) 's)
      ;;XXX Should handle UTF-8
      (loop (cdr fmt)
     (cdr args)
     (append acc
      (uint->u8-list 2 (string-length (car args)))
      (string->u8-list (car args)))))
     ((pair? (car fmt))
      ;; fmt item is (c . type), which gets packed to a c-octet n,
      ;; followed by n types.
      (let ((count (length (car args))))
 (loop (cdr fmt)
       (cdr args)
       (append acc
        (uint->u8-list (caar fmt) count)
        (pack (make-list count (cdar fmt))
       (car args))))))
     ((equal? (car fmt) 'n)
      ;; XXX: total guess here
      (loop (cdr fmt)
     (cdr args)
     (append acc (car args))))
      (error (format "Unknown format element: ~a" (car fmt)))))))

(define (unpack fmt l)
  (let loop ((fmt fmt)
      (l l)
      (acc '()))
    ;;(write (list fmt l acc)) (newline)
     ((null? fmt)
     ((number? (car fmt))
      (loop (cdr fmt)
     (drop l (car fmt))
     (cons (u8-list->uint (take l (car fmt)))
     ((equal? (car fmt) 's)
      (let ((len (u8-list->uint (take l 2)))
     (m (drop l 2)))
 (loop (cdr fmt)
       (drop m len)
       (cons (u8-list->string (take m len))
     ((pair? (car fmt))
      (let* ((count (u8-list->uint (take l (caar fmt))))
      (m (drop l (caar fmt))))
 (receive (p octets)
   (case (cdar fmt)
      (let ((p (reverse (unpack (make-list count (cdar fmt))
        (values p
         (reduce + 0 (map string-length p)))))
      (values (take m count)
      (values (reverse (unpack (make-list count (cdar fmt))
       (* count (cdar fmt)))))
          (loop (cdr fmt)
  (drop m octets)
  (cons p acc)))))
      (error (format "Unknown format element: ~a" (car fmt))))))))

;; Packet assembly and disassembly

(define (make-packet type . args)
 (let* ((spec (cdr (assoc type message-specs)))
 (msgnum (car spec))
 (fmt (cadr spec))
 (p (pack fmt args)))
   (append (uint->u8-list 4 (+ 5 (length p)))
    (list msgnum)

(define (write-packet ixp type . args)
 ((ixp-write ixp) (apply make-packet (cons type args))))

(define (read-uint width ixp)
 (u8-list->uint ((ixp-read ixp) width)))

(define (read-packet ixp)
 (let* ((len (read-uint 4 ixp))
 (msgnum (read-uint 1 ixp))
 (spec (spec-by-num msgnum))
 (fmt (caddr spec))
 (datum ((ixp-read ixp) (- len 5))))
   (cons (car spec)
  (unpack fmt datum))))

;; 9p record
;; This is how I deal with the fact that no two scheme implementations
;; have the same socket API.  There are no SRFIs for sockets so that's
;; not likely to change in the near future.
;; You create one of these with (make-ixp read-u8-list write-u8-list).
;; read-u8-list should one argument, count, and return a list of length
;; count of octets (u8s) read from the socket.  write-u8-list takes one
;; argument, l (a u8-list), and writes that to the socket.
(define-record-type ixp
 (make-ixp read-u8-list write-u8-list)
 (read-u8-list ixp-read)
 (write-u8-list ixp-write))

(define (ixp-transaction ixp type . args)
 (apply write-packet (append (list ixp type 1) args))
 (let ((ret (read-packet ixp)))
   (if (equal? (car ret) 'RError)
(error (format "IXP Recieve: ~a" ret))

;; Rewriting this procedure should be all you need to do in order to
;; port this code.
(define (gauche-with-ixp socket proc)
 (call-with-client-socket socket
  (lambda (in out)
    (let ((ixp (make-ixp
  (lambda (count)
    (let ((vec (make-u8vector count)))
      (if (not (equal? (read-block! vec in) count))
   (error "read-octets: short read")
   (u8vector->list vec))))
  (lambda (u8-list)
    (write-block (list->u8vector u8-list) out)
    (flush out)))))
      (proc ixp)))))

(define (main args)
 (gauche-with-ixp (make-client-socket 'unix "/tmp/ns.neale.:0/wmii")
   (lambda (ixp)
     (let ((root-fid #xf00fb1ba)
    (fid 1)
    (username "the dink")
    (filename "event")
    (data "hello\n"))
(ixp-transaction ixp 'TVersion 4096 "9P2000")
(ixp-transaction ixp 'TAttach root-fid #xffffffff username "")

(ixp-transaction ixp 'TWalk root-fid fid (list filename))
(ixp-transaction ixp 'TOpen fid 1)
(ixp-transaction ixp 'TWrite fid 0 (list data))
(ixp-transaction ixp 'TClunk fid)

(ixp-transaction ixp 'TWalk root-fid fid (list filename))
(ixp-transaction ixp 'TOpen fid 0)
 (let ((cl (caddr (ixp-transaction ixp 'TRead fid 0 4096))))
   (ixp-transaction ixp 'TClunk fid)
   (u8-list->string cl)))


bash-5.1$ cat simpleExamples.tcl
# the next line restarts using wish \
exec tclsh "$0" ${1+"$@"}

catch {console show}

puts "(pwd is '[pwd]', file volumes is '[file volumes]')"

package require vfs

package require vfs::zip
package require vfs::urltype
package require vfs::ftp
package require vfs::http

puts "Adding ftp:// volume..."
vfs::urltype::Mount ftp
set listing [glob -dir *]
puts " listing"
puts "$listing"
puts "----"
puts "(file volumes is '[file volumes]')"

puts "Adding http:// volume..."
vfs::urltype::Mount http
set fd [open]
set contents [read $fd] ; close $fd
puts "Contents of <http: projects="""" tcl=""> web page"
puts [string range $contents 0 100]
puts "(first 100 out of [string length $contents] characters)"
puts "----"
puts "(file volumes is '[file volumes]')"

puts "Mounting ..."
vfs::ftp::Mount localmount
cd localmount ; cd tcl
puts "(pwd is now '[pwd]' which is effectively a transparent link\
  to a remote ftp site)"
puts "Contents of remote directory is:"
foreach file [glob -nocomplain *] {
    puts "\t$file"
puts "sourcing remote file 'vfsTktest.tcl', using 'source vfsTktest.tcl'"
# This will actually source the contents of a file on the
# remote ftp site (which is now the 'pwd').
source vfsTktest.tcl

puts "Done"


Antoinette:(2.73 / 36.79):1050:douce amere:
Argile Rouge Bruyère:::douce amere:
Armagnac:(1.7 / 121.21):1065:aigre:
Avrolles:(0.87 / 178.99):1055:aigre:
Bedan:(2.27 / 22.04):1056:douce amere:
Belle Fille de la Manche:::douce:
Binet Blanc:(2.52 / 26.5):1060:douce amere:
Binet Rouge:(2.41 / 26.54):1063:douce amere:
Binet Violet:(2.62 / 24.93):1050:douce amere:
Bisquet:(2.12 / 31.31):1045:douce amere:
Blanc Sur:(1.23 / 99.25):1055:aigre:
Blanchet:(1.28 / 71.4):1050:acidulee:
C'Huero Briz:(4.67 / 30.65):1056:amere:
C'Huero Ru:::douce amere:
Cartigny:(2.21 / 31.26):1051:douce amere:
Cazo Jaune:(3.28 / 196.2):1054:aigre amere:
Chevalier Jaune:(3.79 / 33.09):1053:amere:
Cidor:(4.02 / 25.9):1055:amere:®
Clos Renaux:(2.2 / 36.91):1052:douce amere:
Clozette Douce:(2.32 / 33.25):1054:douce amere:
Diot Roux:(1.85 / 146.48):1052:aigre:
Domaines:(3.6 / 31.81):1067:amere:
Douce Coetligné:(1.83 / 29.09):1051:douce:
Douce Moen:(2.43 / 31.85):1061:douce amere:
Doux Evêque Jaune:(1.96 / 24.25):1052:douce:
Doux Joseph:(3.61 / 31.04):1058:amere:
Doux Lozon:(2.13 / 21.21):1053:douce amere:
Doux Normandie:(1.42 / 24.56):1065:douce:
Doux Veret de Carrouges:(1.77 / 24.62):1055:douce:
Doux au Gober:::douce:
Fréquin Rouge Petit:(5.06 / 36.35):1065:amere:
Gesnot:(1.11 / 97):1049:aigre:
Gros Bois:(2.86 / 42.15):1050:douce amere:
Gros Oeillet:::douce amere:
Guillevic:(1.35 / 86.29):1059:acidulee:
Jaune de Vitré:(1.61 / 132.44):1060:aigre:
Jeanne Renard:(4.23 / 25.35):1065:amere:
Judaine:(0.75 / 100.4):1053:aigre:®
Judeline:(0.67 / 75.42):1050:acidulee:®
Judin:(0.89 / 98.24):1060:aigre:
Judor:(0.73 / 100.63):1052:aigre:
Juliana:(1.78 / 154):1061:aigre:®
Jurella:(0.61 / 126.7):1053:aigre:
Kermerrien:(4.32 / 22.17):1062:amere:
Locard Blanc:::acidulee:
Locard Vert:::aigre:
Marie Ménard:(4.82 / 32.78):1061:amere:
Marin Onfroy:(3.25 / 25.5):1059:amere:
Mettais:(3.78 / 25.61):1063:amere:
Moulin à Vent:(2.7 / 38.96):1061:douce amere:
Muscadet Petit de l'Orne:(1.9 / 24.23):1061:douce:
Muscadet de Dieppe:(2.54 / 30.95):1055:douce amere:
Noël des Champs:(2.33 / 22.6):1050:douce amere:
Omont:(2.2 / 29):1063:douce amere:
Peau de Chien:(2.95 / 32.25):1065:douce amere:
Petit Amer:(4.43 / 29.65):1055:amere:
Petit Jaune:(1.2 / 110.59):1055:aigre:
Pomme de Bouet:::aigre:
Pomme de Moi:::acidulee:
Queue Torte:::douce:
Rambault:(1.4 / 95.76):1061:aigre:
René Martin:(1.38 / 113.31):1053:aigre:
Rouge Duret:(1.65 / 25.3):1049:douce:
Rouget de Dol Gros:::acidulee:
Rousse de la Sarthe:(1.64 / 25.22):1056:douce:
Saint Martin:(2.27 / 30.09):1055:douce amere:
Sebin Blanc:(1.44 / 81.2):1051:acidulee:
Tardive de la Sarthe:(3.68 / 29.51):1059:amere:
Tesnière:(1.56 / 83.97):1055:acidulee: